Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Quilts of 2010 #3

This quilt was made for the adopted son of my friends Emily & Tyler Heaton. Congratulations on their new addition to their family, Noah Tyler.
This quilt is made from a Jelly Roll, is machine pieced and quilted. The design is my own "Hugs X".

Quilts of 2010 #2

This is the quilt that I made for Becky's baby Peter Jasper Bissett.
It was machine pieced & quilted with a handsewen satin binding. The back of the quilt is the black ladybug pattern seen in the thin boarder. The quiilts pattern is called "Just Can't Cut It".

Quilts of 2010

If this quilt looks familiar, its because the top is the same as the one I made for Kelty. This one was made for my cousin Mardi's baby girl Megan, who happens to share a birthday with Kelty & I. The quilt is machine pieced, and hand quilted with a variegated pink thread in a star pattern. This quilt was quilted on my Grandma Regehr's quilting frames.