Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Childhood favorite

I was in the store the other day and found this on DVD! Yes, it's THE RELUCTANT DRAGON!

Cindy & Kelty came over and watched it with me. Cindy could still quote most of the show:) The sad part was Morris the Midget Moose was not on this DVD. But I found it on you-tube.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

James' New Toy

The Proud Owner

The Bike

So, James has finally purchased a motorcycle. It's a Honda, used but in excellent condition. Now instead of hearing about how much he wants a motorcycle, and its usefulness (gas savings) I hear about the weather and how its been too rainy to ride to work or after work. So, I'm hoping for some sunny weather so James can ride to his hearts content.

Please note: James does have a helmet (not a spear and magic helmet) but a motorcycle helmet that he uses whenever he rides. James was a great spot to pose for these pictures.